The Dynamics of Gender and Life
The Dynamics of Gender and Life
Session 4 - head and heart

Session 4 - head and heart


Hello, I’m Stephen Pirie, author of “The Dynamics of Gender and Life”

So if the truth will not set you free, what will?

In my experience, even though reading or hearing the truth will not set you free, living your truth almost certainly will.

What do I mean by that?

I mean living your truthfulness, your honesty, your love, your forthright opinion, of living your intuitive spontaneity, of living your God-imbued potential, of living your natural rambunctious energy which will urge you to speak up when you see injustice and harm in the world.

People speak of conspiracy theories – a conspiracy starts to grow the very moment we don’t speak up when we see or know of injustice and harm. The missing corrective, positive energy leaves a void, a hole in the cooperative, interconnected fabric of life, which is then filled by those who seek to control, manipulate and to live off the money, blood, sweat and toil of others. Hence the folklore of vampires in many cultures.

Living your truthfulness, of falling into your energy, of letting go the internal handbrake naturally overcomes anxiety, procrastination and hesitancy.

I’m reminded of a passage by W.H. Murray of the Scottish Himalayan expedition


‘Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All kinds of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole series of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, and meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. 

I have a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it, Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”’1

In a similar vein, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Do the thing, and you will have the power”.

Most people, if not everyone, will know what falling into our energy, of releasing the internal handbrake, means. Anyone who’s fallen in love, or experienced an orgasm, or when simply falling asleep, knows the process is one of letting go conscious control and allowing inner, unconscious portions to take over, so to speak. Falling in love really has nothing to do with anyone else. When we fall in love with another person, we are simply finding someone with whom we feel safe to experience our natural, abundant energy. That rush of enthusiasm when we fall in love, is latent within all of us. The word enthusiasm is derived from the Greek root "entheos", with en, meaning in, or into, and theos meaning God. So being enthusiastic is to be in God, or filled with the energy of God, which again relates back to the holographic universe model mentioned in Session 3, in which we are God-As-Us. We are the whole of all, as us. We are the community, nation, world, as us.

In my book, The dynamics of gender and life, I wrote the following:

We, including our egos in their various forms, along with each part within creation, are the delivery vehicles, the agents that convert possible into actual, the unknowable into the known, the spiritual into the physical, the unspeakable into the spoken, the mystery into the material, by way of creativity, innovation, music, art, originality … and the normal process of life. That is, everyone’s life is a work of art, an ongoing creative process that is actively contributing to the overall SOS dynamic.

The ever-present, unlimited meta-physical power resident within the quantum vacuum (Implicate Order) is converted into physicality by way of individual conscious intent and choice.

We are each a portal through which ‘God’, the quantum vacuum, the collective-unconscious, the Implicate Order enters into the physical… Each individual is, in essence—as is each part within creation—a singularity, imbued with, steeped in, impregnated with, immersed in the infinite Implicate Order ... with boundless, latent creative power, potential, knowledge and abilities. We are God/the universe, the collective-unconscious, our higher-selves as our ego-selves. In religious terms we are each ‘divine sparks of creation’, imbued with the latent power of God. End-quote

As covered in earlier sessions, everything and everyone is interconnected, at-once. There are no separate spiritual entities floating around up above us in the clouds directing us to do whatever. People talk about Satin, evil, and whatever – there are no independent states of evil that are ‘down below’ that are ‘coming to get us’. There is no ‘outside’ – the entire kingdom of God, the universe and everything, is within, again, as per the holographic model covered in Session 3, and as stated in the Bible, “the kingdom of God is within you”.

We have been taught to forget our inner potential. The question is, why?

I wrote the following ‘bedtime story’ for young Maya, in my book “Maya sends her love”.

Once upon a time, the many peoples of Earth were one with nature. They lived in a veritable Garden of Eden ... theirs was an instinctive paradise, naturally engaged and lived.

As a people, they were like new-born babes, fresh from the nurturing womb of Mother-Nature. And just like new-born babes, they felt and knew themselves to be lovingly nurtured and nourished by their Mother-Earth. They felt at-one with her rocks and trees and things. Even though they killed, or were themselves killed for food, they understood the deeply interconnected harmony of nature.

Naturally, as children do, they began taking little steps, exploring and learning about themselves and the world around them. They were a young race ready to leave their instinctive harmony with Mother-Nature. They were ready to stand alone, apart and independent. They were ready to think for themselves, to take on free will, independent of instinct.

This was written in their holy Book of Genesis – that to live in nature’s paradise, God had said not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, for if they did their eyes would be opened, and they ‘shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.2

But eat they did. Choices were made, free will accepted, eyes opened and innocence forsaken. They stood alone, apart from nature, naked in their apprenticeship with God.

As we know, the gift of free-will carries with it the freedom to do wrong.

As their holy book explained, they were self-conscious and felt guilt and shame for having left their harmony with nature – it was, they thought, their ‘Original Sin.’ Their guilt was not foreordained or necessary, but merely one line of development chosen through lack of understanding and maturity. In having lost what they believed was their innocence, they yearned for God’s forgiveness.

Their religions taught this distance from nature to be the ‘fall of mankind’ but it was not our natural Falling that reconnects and nurtures. Theirs was a fall from heart and harmony to numbers, names and notions. Theirs was a focus on ‘head,’ at the expense of ‘heart.’ 

As was their choice, they started thinking more and more, counting, calculating, competing and computing their way free of instinct and harmony. Instead of feeling harmony with a tree, for example, they thought and felt separate to it. It was merely a thing to be chopped down for shelter, fuel and weapons.

Over time they began to see the world entirely in terms of separate things, separate thoughts, separate lives and separate spirits.
Instead of a natural instinct of togetherness, they developed the ability to think ‘ME’ – a ‘me’ who was unique, separate, apart, entitled and more important than Mother-Nature. In fact, Mother-Nature, they began to believe, was there to be used and abused at will because they, and they alone, were God’s Chosen, made in His image, they excused.

As they felt ever more separate and isolated, they thought and spoke more in terms of comparisons between themselves and the world ‘out there.’ Thus was born their ‘reasoning,’ ‘rational thinking’ and ‘objectivity’ which are reliant on the ability to separate and compare; to find differences, distinctions and details ...

Reasonably enough, they began to compare themselves to their now-separate spirit-daddy who was, they thought, ever so big and strong and lived so very high above them.

And just like many children they began to believe their spirit-daddy, unlike themselves, was perfect and that He could do no wrong. “He is infallible, omnipotent and omniscient,” they chorused. 

They yearned for His protection and love for in having forsaken their harmonious innocence they had forgotten how to feel within themselves for what they now thought was outside and above them.

Like many children during those times, they believed their Father could punish or reward them. They were at His mercy, they thought. Many during those dark times were, unsurprisingly, ‘God-fearing,’ and openly spoke of their fear that He might punish them for being naughty. 

Now as the story goes, ‘God,’ who they believed was a separate spirit who knew everything, lived in a separate place called Heaven.

In beginning to think of themselves as separate, they began to think of things that were good for them and their survival, and things that were bad for them and could cause their death. For example, an animal that had killed friends or family, came to be ‘bad.’ 

If they had been good, and yet bad things still occurred, then since God was good, they believed another separate spirit must have caused such bad things. So began their belief in, and fear of, another separate spirit called Evil, who lived in another separate place called Hell.

And since they were now so separate from their own inner knowing of the interconnected harmony of life, they were afraid of God above, and Evil below. 

This was simply a selfish period that some children can experience, when they neglect their feelings of community and connection by being overly focused on themselves and their thoughts.

Eventually, over the centuries they got better with their sciences, strategies and structures. They built bigger and better machines, tools and medicines. They got so good at thinking and feeling separate, working their machines in their clockwork world, that one thinking-man named ‘Friedrich Nietzsche’  finally declared ‘God is dead.’

In fact, people themselves, particularly boys, started to behave like machines to the point that a condition known as ‘autism’ became common. People so afflicted had become so isolated, so dreadfully alone and train-track serial they had lost their ability to flow and Fall into ease, play and peace. 

Feeling now so separate and alone, they had, in their minds, killed God only to create a mechanized Hell-on-Earth instead. 

And that is the true horror story of their times, for in believing that no spiritual inner-life existed, no matter how many machines they built, or however physically comfortable they got, they still felt a deep emptiness and a morbid fear of themselves and the world at large. That is why so many felt they had to lie, cheat, steal and to be cruel to others.”

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The Dynamics of Gender and Life
The Dynamics of Gender and Life
Beneficial insights into the fundamental principles of gender and life.
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Stephen Pirie